Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pajama Day

This is Red Ribbon Week at school. That means fun themes each day to help the kids say "no" to drugs.

Today was the day for wearing pajamas to school. "Turn out the lights on drugs."

I decided to wear my snowman flannel PJs (fun and modest) all day. It was a little warm (mid 60's) for flannel PJs today. Phew! I had a lot of fun inside the school, as I brought a pumpkin to donate to May's class, and May's backpack (she forgot it this morning, and I took pity on her when I took the little girls to school). I am always amazed at how many kids in other classes I know as I make my way through the halls. I have volunteered giving Chinese New Year presentations, and reading library books in the classes, for several years now. The 3rd graders this year also know me from the medical exam in the Immigration unit. I just love these fantastic kids and this fantastic school!

May wore her pink Disney Princesses PJs. Irene wore her PJs with frogs and moons. Jane had on PJs with sock monkeys (I love those!).

Here we 4 are in our jammies (I am normally a Clinton Mama for Obama, but today I was a Pajama Mama for Obama. LOL!):

1 comment:

Jerri said...

You 4 are way too cute! We didn't get to do something that fun for Red Ribbon Week. The best was wearing orange in orange you glad you don't do drugs!

I am so glad you are involved in your girls school and know all the kids. You are such a great example providing ideas on ways to connect with my girls!

I'm glad it got warmer for you!