Sunday, April 20, 2008

Chris' birthday celebration continues

Today we will go out to lunch with my side of the family to celebrate Chris' birthday. He is now 47 and I will turn 50 this year. These coming 3 years will feel kind of "old" to me, as I am 50-something and my DH is 40-something. LOL! He can try as hard as he might, but he'll never catch me. bwah HA HA HA!!!!!
Here are come photos from yesterday that would not load when I wanted them to.
The girls at the computer. Playing outside. Raking the garden ("sharing" the rake). Ending the day with a little more TV time (on High School Musical stools).
I am proud to say that I am nearly ready to clear off that kitchen desk!! By tomorrow morning for sure! Now - I hope this mailing makes LOTS of new business for me. Please. Please. Thank you. Thank you!!

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