Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bye Week from Chinese School

Yippeee!! No Chinese school today. Don't get me wrong. We LOVE Chinese school and we LOVE seeing our friends and all the happenings that happen nearly every Saturday during the school year. But, school starts at 9:30am and the school is a drive of about an hour and 15 minutes away from our house. So, a morning off is kind of nice.

The girls got up early (May is a rooster, and always wakes at the first peek of dawn's light) snuggled on the couch and watched Callou (one would think it was too young for ALL of the girls - but they were all enjoying it) and ate dry cereal and hot chocolate. The mornings are still cool enough to enjoy a soft blanket over you on the couch. Ahhhhhhh.

I am still working on my mailing. I think I had forgotten how massive a task this is! So, my kitchen desk is still cluttered.

The birdfeeders are full (Chris and the little girls filled them yesterday) and so the cats are on various levels of Cat Alert.

The girls moved on to Chris' computer to enjoy some fun and games and WebKinz care. I am enjoying the view from my desk as I see their three lovely faces, entranced by the computer screen.

Time to get them outside. Balance. Balance.

Some TV. Some play. Some computer. Some running outside. Some fighting. Yes, they are REAL sisters.

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