Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Irene's 7th BD and World AIDS Day 2009

Today we celebrate the 7th birthday of my middle daughter, Irene!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Irene!! Her heart's desires for her presents were an iPod and a suitcase. LOL! We gave her a three piece suitcase set in her favorite color -- red! I told her she may not pack it, or I will have to pack mine to go along with her and daddy and May and Jane will have to pack theirs, too. We belong TOGETHER as a family. She giggles at me. :-) We have made such HUGE progress in the last two years! Grandpa sent her the iPod and she LOVES it. Look how cute she and Jane are together. I can see them as teenagers. :-)

It is also World AIDS Day. I will wear a red ribbon ... Education ... Awareness ... Research ... Fight ... Prayer ... and one day ... Cure!

1 comment:

3peas1pod said...

I cannot believe how big the girls have gotten. Just beautiful! I stumbled across your blog via Chantal's blog. Hope your family has a wonderful holiday!

Deborah (mom to 3 girls from China and a fellow July 2000 mom!)