Monday, August 4, 2008

Celebrating May

August 3 is the birthday of my oldest daughter, May. She was handed to me in China just 5 days before her 1st birthday. And, the magic began. Ever since then, she has had three parties each year: one on her actual birthday (with just our immediate family), a second party with our extended family (a combination celebration with her cousin who is a year older than she, and with her Grandma, who is 78 years older than she - but is her cosmic twin), and a third party to celebrate with friends, family and neighbors.

How can it be that my Baby From Nanchang is EIGHT??

Here are some photos of May's birthdays.

Her 1st birthday, celebrated in China and in America (with jet lag):

Her 2nd birthday (no more Sgt. Carter buzz cut, and her discovery of Ben and Jerry's Phish Food ice cream):

Her 3rd:

Her 4th (we started the crazy rice box toy hunt game):

Her 5th (her last one as an only child):

Her 6th:

Her 7th (her actual birthday was spent in China and we celebrated again once we were home. Joy was heard throughout the land as she received an Easy Bake Oven from her Grandma.):

Her 8th:


Debby said...

Happy Birthday May. I had neglected reading my Blogs & just about died when I heard about the CA firefighter plane crash. I rushed over & was very happy to see that Chris is now back in CO.

mom to Lindsi & Jami

GGAdventures said...

Happy Birthday, May! I hadn't checked your blog for so long, Holly! I have a lot of catching up to do. The girls are beautiful and you can see pure joy in those happy smiles.

Jerri said...

I love seeing your May grow up. The smile gets bigger each year and the beautiful person she is develops with it. Did you make all those incredible cakes? I am so jealous. I think maybe we need to have a birthday party for Annabel. Her birthday was right before we got there but I could never make one of those cakes!