Monday, June 16, 2008

A Few Good Men - Father's Day 2008

Father's Day. A day designated to honor a few good men.

My Daddy was a good man. In looking through old photos, deciding what to post of him, I notice that it appears as if everyone who loved him has really aged since he died two years ago. Losing his physical presence in our lives has taken a toll that few of us has properly addressed of yet. Here are a few photos of my dear Daddy and his dear 4 daughters:

Chris has a good man for a Dad, too. I always feel sad that we live so far away from him. We tell our girls all about Grandpa, look at photos from over the years, and they talk to him on the phone and receive things via the mail from him. Chris talks to his Dad on the phone a lot. But, it's not the same as just hanging out with him. I treasure the memories of when we took May to visit him in 2003. We MUST make plans to visit again. Maybe Spring Break 2009? Will he survive our THREE girls?? He would love it. Here are a few photos from when we visited Chris' dad in 2003:

My 3 daughters have a good man for a Dad, too. Chris is an awesome Dad! Here are a few photos from this Father's Day. The girls did their handprints in dough and painted them. I sealed them with spray acrylic finish. They also decorated wooden letters for D.A.D. to hang on the wall. Then, they set to work doing a STACK of artwork and awards for their Daddy. Very cool. They have a label maker and May printed out a LONG message for her Daddy on the yellow strip of label tape. The first photo is from when Chris was a new Daddy and we went to a festival in the summer of 2002, shortly after his first Father's Day. May was not even 2 years old then and was our only child. I feel euphoric just thinking about those times. Look at their faces. Ahhhhhhh ... Here are the pics:

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